Technology Journey: The Second Chapter
I went into this class thinking I already knew a lot about technology. I have come out realizing that I have not even scratched the surface of what technology has to offer. Before this class, I had never thought of introducing cameras into the classroom or allowing students to play computer games. All of these technologies would be great ways to show students how things they use everyday can be educational. Making things fun for students I believe makes them want to learn more, if they are having fun they will not realize that they are learning. The knowledge I gained through this class has been amazing. I have learned how to create my own website, which I am hopeful to do with my class, I have learned how to create worksheets, and I have learned how to create lesson plans. I remember getting the first lesson plan assignment and freaking out because I had no idea what to do and when the second one came around I was able to be incredibly creative and make work stations for my students to use, a technique I hope to use in my own classroom.
Throughout the year we have had many readings. There are two readings that I found the most helpful. The first is “Digital Tools for Digital Kids.” This reading opened my eyes to how students today learn. I just graduated last year but I never realized how students learn best in today’s society with all the technology around them. I know that it will be difficult as a teacher to completely reach the needs of all my students, but I do think that with the use of technology students will be bettered. Technology can be used in a number of ways and finding the sites that allow teachers to bring videos into the classroom. Technology will allow those students who are visual learners to comprehend more with videos. The second reading that I found helpful was “The Educators Guide to Copyright and Fair Use.” Before reading this article and discussing it in class I had no idea that teachers had so much freedom with using information in their classroom. They do not get to use whatever they want but the fact that teacher’s are able use a fair amount of resources they find means that the students will benefit greatly. I will save this article and use it when I am researching information for making my lesson plans.
The critical issues facing classrooms I believe are those students who do not have access to the internet and other technological resources. Another problem is that fact that some schools do not have a large enough budget for each classroom to have a computer. Finally students are not exposed to the same amount of technology is the classroom. I would address the first issue by allowing my students to come in before and after school to use the computers in our classroom to complete homework. If the school I work at does not have a computer lab I may allow those students who do not have access at home to have more time to complete the assignment, not a week but maybe an extra day or two. I would also hold a family night where we use technology once a month so that the parents are able to comprehend what their child is working on in class. The second problem with be to ask families within the classroom if they had any old computers that still worked but they were not using. Although these computers would not be up to speed with the ones given by the states, they would allow more students to practice their typing skills and basic features of the computer. The final issue would be for me to ask all the teachers in my grade to use the same technology. This may be difficult because some older teachers do not like to use technology. If this were the case then I would try to get as many teachers as possible to use technology so the students are on an even playful in the next year.
I technologies I will use most in my classrooms would be computers, projectors, leapfrog, form of palm pilot, and tons of educational software. I believe that students should enjoy the time that they have in classroom because if they are having fun they will want to come back. I will balance both teaching time with technology. The best way for this to work I believe is by setting up stations like those that I had in my Lesson Plan II. Also placing the students in groups allows them to work together and help one another, sometimes being a mini-teacher, which I believe the saying “teaching is the best form of learning.” I will use the software as much as possible for my students. The projector will be used for my lessons where I use PowerPoint. The leapfrogs will be useful when students have difficulty reading and for many games that come with them will help the students. I many use the leapfrog games as an extra bonus when students do extremely well for the week. In addition, the palm pilot I would use for those students who do not have technology available in their homes, it would not be the most up-to-date palm pilot but it would allow them to work on a writing assignment. I would also use all of this technology if I had a student with a learning disability.
After taking this class I have been able to explore the different options available to me for programs. I had no idea how to use the drawing tools in Word until now and that was how I created my Open House Flyer. Taking this class has shown me that you will have some struggles and maybe some defeats when learning new technology, but if you play with it you will learn more than by having someone teach you. If I encounter software that I have difficulty with I will try, figure it out for myself or go to the internet and find a how to guide and if that still does not work then I will go to a computer store or someone who knows how to use the program.
I would not be able to function without technology. Everything I have at home is electrical, my stereo is the iHome, I use my laptop religiously and I have my television. I keep in contact with all my friends in other states by my cell phone or e-mail or using instant messenger. I hope to be able to keep in contact with other teachers at home when working on a project and I am unable to figure out a way to help my students learn the material. I will also use the internet to keep a webpage for my class listing what activities will be taking place this week, what the spelling words are and things like that. Technology will continue to be a part of my life and will greatly increase once I have a classroom to call my own.
Davidson, Hall. "Educators Guide to Copyright and Fair Use." TechLearning. 15 Oct. 2002. 5 Feb. 2007 <>.
"Digital Tools for Digital Kids." Apple-Education. 17 Jan. 2007 <>.
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