Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lesson Plan Sample: Money In The Real World

This was the first lesson plan I have ever made. In this lesson play I am teaching a third grade class money, what each coin looks like, how much each coin is worth, how to make change, etc. In this lesson plan I present the material through PowerPoint, which you may download to use, and have the students make the dollar amount I write on the board. The students also have a cross word puzzle asking them basic facts about money such as what is the smallest coin and is worth 10 cents. To do this activity I would use play money and divide the students into teams and have them work together to find out how much change they would get back after buying for items that they have to add together for the total value.

Lesson Title: Money in the Real World

Teacher: Meredith Tidd

Subject Area: Mathematics

Grade Level: 3

Date: February 5, 2007


CCSD CEF (3) 3.10 “Read, write, and use money notation to determine possible combinations of coins and bills to equal given monetary amounts”

CCSD CEF (3) 3.11 “Make a change with coins and bills in problem solving and real-world situations”

Needed Materials

Play money which includes coins and bills (1 for every group of 4)

Real money to show class, one piece for each type of money (1 for teacher)

Worksheet for students with real-world questions (1 for every student)

Computer (1 for classroom)

Protector that attaches with computer (1 for classroom)


Sponge Activity

· Ask student all types of money they know of

· Ask students to identify coins and bills

· Ask students to draw the dollar bill sign and coin sign

Anticipatory Set

Ask students:

· Ask students if they have ever used money to pay for something

· To recognize real money

· Ask students if they can identify what makes up a dollar using a combination of coins

· Have students complete Money In The Real World Worksheet (cross word puzzle)

o Click here if you would like view the worksheet in another window where you will be able download the worksheet for your own use.

Announce Outline/Objectives

Content Delivery

Utilizing PowerPoint the teacher will direct the students in a fifteen minute lesson on different forms of money and how they are able to recognize and identify money. Students will learn how to make a dollar out of change and how to make change. Click here to download the PowerPoint presentation.


Divide students into groups of 4 and then pass put play money to each group, have them work as a group to determine how to make the amount given by teacher on the board while teacher walks around room making sure that all the students understand how to make the coin combination. Once students have completed this activity, the students will pick up real-world problems worksheet, problems will be asking students to add and subtract monetary values.

· Example: You bought 5 pencils, each pencil was 30 cents, find your total and then subtract your total from 2 dollars to get your change.


Ask students:

· To identify how many quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies make up a dollar

· Ask students a real-world question about money


· Review outline

· Review objectives

· Assessment

§ Have students work with money while they are at home

§ Have students come up with ten different ways to make a dollar with any combination of coins

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