Sunday, May 6, 2007

Educational Software 1: Freddi The Fish

I have included this piece of software because it is a great way to have kids learn to help others and a fun way to learn their math skills. The form that I have used was provided to me by my professor, but the evaluation is my own. When I was younger I played is game often and loved it. It is a treasure hunt and you have to work with your friend in the game to win. I would love to use this game in my classroom because I believe it will help students interact and it will greatly help the students' memory.

Instructional Software Evaluation Form

Evaluator: Meredith Tidd Date Evaluated: March 4, 2007

Software Title (include version): Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds

Publisher: Humongous Entertainment

Recommended Age Group: 4-7

Detailed Description:

The students meet Freddi the Fish and Grandma Grouper and discover that the kelp seeds are missing. Grandma Grouper tells the student that the seeds feed everyone and the seeds have to be found. Freddi asks you if you would like to help him find the kelp seeds, and you accept or deny this invitation. As the student leaves Grandma Grouper, they meet one of Freddi’s who discovers a bottle with a message in it. It’s a treasure map! The student is able to decide which direction they would like to go and find out what they must find in order to get more clues to the treasure map. The student must work for clues which involve solving simple math problems and following the pearl (same concept as a ball under three cups and you have to chose which cup the ball is under after they move around). Each step of the game gives the students more clues for where to find the missing kelp seeds. At the end of the game the students find the kelp seeds and take them back to Grandma Grouper who plants them and the game ends with everyone being happy. Fun parts of the game involve saving a small fish, feeding the dog in the junk yard, talking to an electric ell, and finding a shell for a crab who has a shell that is extremely bright.

Fun Factor: Extremely Fun

Subject Area: Math Social Studies

Main Curricular Goals/Objectives Addressed:

CCSD CEF (3) 3.17 “Recall addition and subtraction facts”

System: PC

Minimum System Requirements:

33 MHz 486 (or faster) 8MB of RAM, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, SVGA card (640X480, 256 colors), a sound card and a double-speed (or faster) CD-ROM drive.

Ease of Use: Easy to Learn

Potentially Problematic for Students with (describe):

Learning Disabilities: If the student has trouble remembering what to do or the order they saw things, however the game does a good job of repeating what the goal of the game is.

Mental Disabilities: Students who are unable to understand basic math skills will find this game problematic because some of the levels involve solving math problems to gain the clue for the next level.

Physical Disabilities: If the student is unable to use their hands well then this game will be difficult for them because you must play the game by clicking on the mouse. There are no options provided in the game setup that allow students to use their voice to direct where the fish to move. Another problem with the game is that if students are unable to hear the directions they will be unable to complete the game, the game does not display the directions on the screen.

Emotional Disabilities: This game would not be good for students who are unable to handle failure, the game does try to encourage the student by saying “nice try” or “close, try again” but is the student is unable to handle not completing a task then this game would be difficult for them to use.

Inclusion of Bias: Not Noticeable

Description of bias: I was unable to find any bias within the software. Perhaps the fact that one of the fish is portrayed as a little slow may seem rude, however this fish helps to find the treasure in the end. There was no racial bias, however there were no girl fishes used in helping find the treasure, somewhat feeding the idea that boys do all the hard and heroic work.

Includes Statistical Results for Each Student: Yes

Additional Comments:

As students play the game I will be able to view how far they have gone in the game, what steps they have completed and how they did on those steps.

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